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Forum: War Results
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07-12-2015, 06:03 PM
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War attacks used
Forum: War Results
Last Post: Mongo
05-24-2015, 08:07 PM
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abo landing a 747
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Forum: Clan Rules
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04-13-2015, 03:45 PM
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  War attacks used
Posted by: Mongo - 05-10-2015, 07:29 PM - Forum: War Results - Replies (1)

All, I'm posting a spreadsheet as well. It has a score based on whether or not you used both attacks, and whether or not you brought a farming army / jumped on a called attack in clashcaller. The goal, like in golf, is to have the lowest score. When selecting members for war, those with a lower overall total should be brought along.


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  abo landing a 747
Posted by: admin - 05-09-2015, 06:43 PM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

abo and I were fortunate enough to get an hour in the full-blown 747 simulator @ the United Denver training center (a buddy of ours is a UA pilot and his college buddy is a 747 instructor there). 

Total bucket list experience. Short video below of abo doing a full-control crossswind landing at Hong Kong. For a guy who's never been in the cockpit of an airplane before, much less driven a 747, it was an awesome landing. He should think of a career change. My crosswind did not go as well Smile  

Notice I drop the phone at the end to grab the reverse thrusters (abo forgot them - as there are about 8 million things going on in the last 2 seconds, but as noted, his crosswind landing chops are immense):

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  Helpful Links
Posted by: dahm - 04-13-2015, 04:37 PM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

All, some helpful links I've come across. Feel free to add to the list

Clash of Clans Wiki:

Great site for checking Damage, Hit Points, and all kinds of useful tidbits about troops and buildings in the game.

OneHive Raids:

Jake and OneHive are 'the man' when it comes to war attacking.

TheHulk Files:

Different lens on war from another top war clan guy.

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Posted by: admin - 04-13-2015, 04:31 PM - Forum: War Results - Replies (36)


I'll be updating war stats here. I suck at web design, so it may just be an image of a spreadsheet. 

Locked for updates...


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Posted by: admin - 04-13-2015, 04:28 PM - Forum: Clan Rules - No Replies

Below are our specific rules for Clan Wars. 

BASICS (these are in the general thread, repeated here briefly):

  • War 3X/week (Tue/Fri/Sun starts)
  • USE YOUR CLAN WARS Opt-In/Out button (If it's Green, you're in, if it's Red, you're out)
  • USE BOTH ATTACKS, if you use ZERO attacks, and don't discuss with someone in chat, you are out of war for 2 weeks
  • USE BOTH ATTACKS, if you use 1 attack and dont discuss in chat, you're out for the next war
  • Sundays we usually go with a smaller team and do some practice. If you want in on Sunday, use chat. 

We use the Clashcaller website for coordination of War attacks. This is a pretty simple site. One of the Leaders will set up the war after we get matched up and use ClanMail to send the code for that war to the clan. 
  • Go To
  • Click the 'Join War' Button
  • Enter the code you received in Clan Mail
  • Call the enemy base you want for your first attack by clicking on the '+' symbol next to the number
  • Your 'Call' will be active for 12 hours AFTER the Battle day begins
  • It's encouraged (though not required) to go back to the clashcaller war and update your results (0,1,2,3 stars) AND call your second base
  • IF A BASE IS CALLED ON CLASHCALLER (either a first or later attack), THAT PERSON OWNS IT FOR 12 HOURS. 
  • If you poach someone's called base without discussing it in Clan Chat, that's as bad as not using an attack at all. Just don't do it. 

The first 24 hours after we get a matchup is called 'Prep Day'. During this time, you can study opponent bases, tweak your war base, and for TH10 and TH9 that can donate max troops, we fill our clans defensive clan castles with troops. 

Remember that with higher clan level, we can donate troops one level higher than we have, so those with lvl4 Drags, lvl1 LavaHounds, lvl 5 loons, etc can donate max troops. 
  • ONLY TH10/TH9 members that can provide max troops will donate to our defensive Clan Castles (CC's)
  • Be SPECIFIC and go update your defensive CC request. If you want 1 loon, 3 wizards and rest archers, put that in your Donate request (click your war base and the 'Request Troops' button on the war map and enter it there).
  • With the Fall 2015 update and the poison spell, archers and wizards (for the most part) have become kind of useless since they can be killed easily. We generally aim to have heavy troops in the cc's (Lava Dogs for TH10, Drags and Loons below)

Battle day starts 24 hours after we've drawn a matchup. This is when we attack the enemy bases (having of course used ClashCaller to call our first attacks).
  • SCOUT the base you are going to attack first. Look for general army composition you can use to win and where traps are likely to be, etc
  • When you have a plan for your army and are closing in to attacking, Request SPECIFIC troops for your Attacking CC
  • Default is MAX troops for attacking CC's, so lower level folks, don't feel obligated to donate troops to attackers. Our TH10 (and TH9 with max Hogs, Witches and Loons) will do that
  • BE SPECIFIC. If you want 5 Max Loons, say it. If you want 5 archers, 2 Max Hogs, a healer and a barbarian, ask (although that's weird)
  • USE THE TERM "WAR" in your request. 
  • If you need a troop that takes a long time to make (Golem, LavaDog, Dragon), plan ahead and request 45mins before your attack. 
  • If someone acknowledges they are 'building' or 'brewing' for a request, no one else should jump in. That donator may be brewing it special and end up wasting it otherwise. 
  • UPDATE: The May update to CoC shows you the 'Checklist' before you attack the base (Have a 'Checklist' before you go in for a war attack): 
  1. Army Camp = Full
  2. Spells = Full
  3. CC = Full
  4. Heroes = Awake

GENERAL WAR STRATEGY (will start an Open thread for details):
  • We want to win all our wars. 
  • Our goal is to 3 star all TH8 and below, 3 star all enemy TH9s and 2 star as many TH10s and TH11 as possible. 
  • In a normal 25x25 war (assuming 7/12/6 ratio), even 3-starring most of their th9 would give us 64 stars and we have never lost a war if we gain that many stars
  • It's highly encouraged to use armies that are capable of 3 starring a base. 
  • At TH8 and below - it's MANDATORY to go for 3 stars. No 2 star armies. 
  • There's leeway for TH10 to use 2 star armies since 3 star oppty's are very rare
  • YouTube is a great source of War strategy information. Particularly Jake and OneHive:
  • Some of our best clan discussions revolve around strategy discussions and base breakdowns. Most of us are geeks at heart and love to plan attacks with the other members. Get on and be active!
  • It doesn't really matter which base number you attack relative to your number, but be reasonable. If you drop down way low with a first attack, it hurts the clan since that base is effectively taken away from a lower level member that had a chance
  • General rule for first attacks = stay within your TH level (unless you are down a hero) and take the highest base you believe you have a shot at winning (3-starring). 
  • Absolutely no TH9/TH10 can attack a TH8 or below unless specifically discussed for some reason
  • TH10 and TH9 stay within (or above) your TH level with their first attack. 
  • Unless you are a BRAND NEW TH9 or 10 with effectively leveled down troops in which case, just get on chat if you need to go down. Again - BE ACTIVE. 
  • TH8 - stay within a few numbers of your rank, but if we run across TH7 and below, feel free to wreck them. Low man gets priority. 
  • For second/cleanup attacks, since we have info on the enemy traps, CC, etc, it's totally dependent on where we are relative to winning. We may WANT a TH9 to cleanup a TH8 for an extra star, etc. 
  • Cleanups/2nd attacks are where we win wars. Chat is the best tool for the latter half of war
  • Have fun with War. Try new stuff. No one is getting kicked out of the clan for failed attacks that had a solid army and some semblance of a plan. It's friggin' hard to execute a lot of these strategies. Everyone screws up. Like much in life, you rarely get better without trying and failing. 
  • Our War "Generals" (dahm, Wood, Mongo, D Rockr as of this writing) will compile stats and generally direct activity.
  • Our War MP (Yosh) will most certainly unleash a torrent of NSFW terms if you do something exceptionally stupid like bring a farming army to war or leave your TH exposed. 
  • We no longer collect stats, but we do track participation (bolding intentional). As noted in the General Clan Rules, if you are Opted-In for war and DO NOT use both your attacks, you're removed from war for either 2 weeks (0 attacks) or the next war (1 attack) 
  • As always, this is just a game, if you opted in and can't use some attacks, just let someone know. Clan chat is easy. 
Overall - War brings our Clan together as a team and also moves us to higher levels where we get more perks that EVERYONE IN THE CLAN gets to take advantage of. For a full description of Clan Perks, see these posts on the Supercell forums: 


BY THE 303, FOR THE 303!


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Posted by: admin - 04-13-2015, 03:45 PM - Forum: Clan Rules - No Replies

Welcome to Colorado Clan. We are a laid back group of clashers, mostly from the great state of Colorado, but with members from around the world. We have evolved with the game over the last couple of years and are now very focused on improving in war. 


We are primarily an adult clan, though we have some younger members. Pretty much anything goes in clan chat, but be respectful of other members and act mature. 

Default donation is archers. NEVER donate Wallbreakers, Gobs, Giants (unless someone specifically asks). Donate and request as often as you like. We don't really care what your season-long numbers are, though TH10's and 9's that aren't trophy pushing or something like that should probably have more donations than received troops. 


We war 3X/week on the schedule below:

Sunday Morning: 10x10 or 15x15 (or more) by request - we often use Sundays as practice for new attack styles, etc. 

In your Profile, there is a button in the upper left that says 'Clan Wars' - if this button is Green, you are Opted-In. If it's Red, you're Opted-Out. USE THIS BUTTON. If you need to be out of wars for vacation, work, upgrading Heroes, trophy pushes, following the Rockies on a road trip, whatever, then change your status. It is, quite literally, one click. 

GENERAL WAR RULES (there is another thread below this one with more details):

  • If your 'Clan Wars' button is GREEN, you are IN for war on Tue/Fri. Period. 
  • If you are in a War, you MUST use both your attacks
  • If you are in a War and DO NOT USE ANY attacks, you are sat down for the next two WEEKS of war (6 wars)
  • If you are in a War and DO NOT use 1 of your attacks (and have not discussed why in chat), you are banned from the next war
  • I'll repeat that -> If you are in a War and DO NOT USE ANY attacks, you are out for the next two WEEKS. It's one button click. 
  • If you repeat either of the above non-participation rules after, you are out of the clan, that just wastes everyone's time and energy
  • People have lives, of course, so if you can't use one or more attacks for a particular unforeseen reason, just get on clan chat and tell someone. We're not trying to be dicks, but participation is key. 
  • Your War Base needs to be an acceptable base. Town Hall and Clan Castle need to be inside the walls and generally not easy to beat. There are a pile of base design ideas both on the internet and within the clan. 
  • If you leave your Clan Castle outside your walls, you're not in the next war. 
  • We no longer allow 'Troll' War bases. If you leave a 'Troll' base out for War, you're out of the next war. (this is called 'pulling a dahm')
If this all sounds counter to the original tagline that we are 'laid-back', it's not meant that way. We are, but we are serious about winning wars. It helps improve the clan with the Perks we get for increasing our clan level, it encourages and promotes participation in the clan and our network, and it is a source of pride (not to mention, it's a lot of loot!). 

Please contact a Leader or Elder in chat with any questions about anything. Most of us have been together for years and will help however we can. 

Speaking of Leaders and Elders - we don't have a set forumla for promotions, as a rule, Nelli will review the roster every month or two and see who's been around a long time, pulled their weight in war and promote accordingly. Asking/begging/negotiating for promotions is more likely to get you booted or scrutinized than anything else. It's not a big deal. This clan has been together for 3 years, so it's more about time in the community than anything else. 


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